How Long Does It Take To Open Your Chakras
How long does it take to open chakras? This is a question that many people ask themselves when they are looking for guidance. If you are one of these people, then you will find the information in this blog post very useful. Opening your chakras can be done with crystals or other techniques like yoga and chakra meditation. We'll talk about the benefits of opening you're seven chakras as well as the crystals that are associated with each chakra.
The Root Chakra and It's Crystals
The first chakra of the seven chakras is the root chakra. It is located at the base of your spine and is associated with survival instincts, grounding yourself, and stability. The crystals that are associated with this your root chakra are ruby, garnet, black tourmaline, and obsidian.
If you're looking to open your root chakra, then it's recommended that you use a stone like ruby or garnet. These stones will help to ground you and increase your sense of security. Black tourmaline is also a great choice for opening the root chakra because it helps to protect against negative energy. Obsidian is another excellent option because it absorbs negative energy and releases it back into the environment harm.
The Sacral Chakra and It's Crystals
The second chakra is your sacral chakra and it's located near the navel. The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, emotions (like joy and rage), and enthusiasm for life. The crystals that are used to open this energy center include carnelian, moonstone, rose quartz, and watermelon tourmaline.
If you're looking for a crystal to help you open up the sacral charka then we recommend using carnelian or moonstone. Carnelian has long been known as an excellent stone for balancing yin/yang energies in general so it will definitely work well on opening your sacral chakras! Moonstones have also been recommended by many healers because they can increase your intuition. They are also good for calming your emotions and increasing sensitivity.
Rose quartz is another great choice because it can attract love into your life as well as increase compassion. Finally, watermelon tourmaline helps to cleanse the chakra of negative energy so this crystal will definitely help you open up that center! The Solar Plexus Chakra and It's Crystals
The Solar Plexus Chakra and It's Crystals
The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra and it's located in your stomach. This energy center helps you to find your individuality, discover your sense of will power, and gain self-confidence. The crystals that are associated with this chakra include yellow jasper, citrine, aventurine, and purple fluorite.
If you're looking for crystals to help open up the solar plexus then we recommend using yellow jasper or citrine! Citrines have been known as courage stones since ancient times so they will definitely work well at opening up this chakra! Yellow jaspers can be used to increase willpower so if these two aren't quite doing it for you...aventurine may do the trick! This stone is known for increasing creativity, luck, and prosperity in your life. Finally, purple fluorite can be used to increase intuition as well as psychic abilities so it's definitely a great choice for those who want to open up the solar plexus chakra.
The Heart Chakra and It's Crystals
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra and it's located in the center of your chest. This energy center is associated with love, joy, peace, and compassion. The crystals that are used to open up this chakra include green aventurine, rose quartz, malachite, and peridot.
If you're looking for a crystal to help you open up your heart chakra then we suggest using green aventurine or rose quartz! Green aventurines have long been known as stones that increase vitality in all areas of life while rose quartz can attract love into your life as well as increase compassion. Malachites are excellent for emotional healing so if you've been through a tough time recently, this may be the one for you! Finally, peridot can help increase your psychic abilities so if this is an area that you're interested in developing then we definitely recommend using it.
The Throat Chakra and It's Crystals
The fifth chakra is your throat chakra and it's located in the center of your neck. This energy center helps you to communicate effectively with others, make decisions based on reason rather than emotions, and express yourself creatively through music or art. The crystals that are recommended for opening up your throat chakra include lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite, blue lace agate etc...
If you're looking to open up your throat charka then we suggest using either lapis lazuli or sodalites! Both of these stones have been used throughout history because they can help increase awareness as well as creativity so there really isn't a wrong choice here...unless you don't like colored crystals in which case I suggest avoiding azurite and blue lace agate for your throat chakra.
The Third Eye Chakra and It's Crystals
The sixth chakra is your third eye chakra and it's located in the center of your forehead. This energy center helps you to see clearly, develop intuition and psychic abilities, and access information that is beyond the physical realm. The crystals that are recommended for opening up your third eye chakra include amethyst, quartz crystal, charoite etc...
If you're looking to open up your third eye then we suggest using either amethyst or quartz crystals! Both of these stones have been used throughout history because they can help increase awareness of the human body as well as psychic abilities so there really isn't a wrong choice here!
The Crown Chakra and It's Crystals
The seventh chakra is your crown chakra and it's located in the center of the top of your head. This energy center helps you to connect to higher planes, enhance spiritual awareness, and communicate with guides which can help you greatly on your journey towards enlightenment! The crystals that are recommended for opening up your crown chakra include clear quartz crystal or selenite.
If you're looking to open up your crown charka then we suggest using either a clear quartz crystal or selenite! Both of these stones have been used throughout history because they can help increase psychic abilities so there really isn't a wrong choice here...unless you're not into white crystals in which case black tourmaline may be more suitable for you and your crown chakra.
The Benefits Of Opening Your Chakras
The benefits of opening your chakras are vast and can include increased vitality, creativity, awareness, psychic abilities, the feeling of well being, mental clarity and spiritual connection. If you're looking to improve any area of your life then we definitely recommend working on opening your chakras!
- Chakras are important energy centers in the body that help us to connect with our higher selves and the universe.
- There are seven main chakras in the body which each correspond to different areas such as love, communication, intuition etc...
- Crystals can be used to open up these chakras and help us to achieve balance and feel secure within our lives.
How To Tell Your Chakras Are Blocked
There are a few ways to tell if your chakras are blocked you know your own body and one of the most common symptoms is feeling out of balanced or not feeling grounded in one part or your whole body. Other signs that your chakras may be blocked include physical problems in the area that corresponds to the chakra, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, stress, sore throat and depression. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms then we suggest working on opening your chakras!
10 Steps Steps To Take To Open Your Chakras
There are ten steps that you can take to open your chakras and achieve balance and improve your spiritual energy within your physical body and life and improve mental health. These include several techniques meditating, using crystals, yoga, and aromatherapy!
- Step One: Meditate Daily
Chakra Meditation is a great way to connect with your higher self and the universe and is one of the best ways to open up your chakras. We recommend Chakra meditation for at least 20 minutes each day to start out to achieve a more concentrated healing experience to your energy system and burning some essential oils may help your chakra meditation.
- Step Two: Use Crystals
Crystals are a great way to help open up your chakra centers and achieve your spiritual awakening can be used in conjunction with meditation or on their own. Some recommended crystals for opening chakras include amethyst, lapis lazuli, and sodalite.
- Step Three: Do Yoga Or Practice Qi Gong
Yoga and qi gong can be great ways to open up your chakras because they help you to move energy in a gentle way which may have been blocked. Start off slow by practicing for five minutes each day and work your way up from there!
- Step Four: Wear Crystal Jewelry To Help Open Your Chakras
We recommend wearing stones or crystals that correspond with the chakra that you're trying to open such as sodalite if it's your third eye or amethyst if it's your crown. This is a great way to help the stone work on your energy field all day long!
- Step Five: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy with essential oils can be another great way to open up your chakras and help you achieve balance. Some recommended essential oils for opening chakras include lavender, rosemary, and frankincense. We suggest diffusing these essential oils.
- Step Six: Use Color In Your Life
The colors that we see around us can also help to open our chakras. Try wearing clothing in the color of the chakra you're working on or using it as part of your decor! For example, if you're working on opening your heart chakra, we recommend light pink as a great color to use!
- Step Seven: Practice Reiki Or Healing Touch
Reiki and healing touch can be extremely beneficial for those who are looking to open their chakras because they're gentle forms of energy work that don't require any crystals or oils. We definitely suggest giving either one of these practices a try if you haven't already!
- Step Eight: Eat Healthy And Get Plenty Of Exercise
You may not think about eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise when it comes to helping your chakras but this is certainly important too! Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables will help you achieve balance within your body which then helps all areas including the ch system. Try adding some green juice to your life and start getting in some yoga or qi gong each day!
- Step Nine: Practice Gratitude And Have A Positive Outlook On Life
Having a positive outlook on life is important for achieving balance within the chakras. Focusing on gratitude, meditation, and setting intentions can all be great ways to help you achieve this goal! We also recommend spending time outside everyday which will give you plenty of vitamin D as well.
- Step Ten: Get Your Chakras Checked By A Healer If You're Having Trouble Opening Them Up Yourself Sometimes if we have been through a lot it's hard for us to open our own chakras without assistance from somebody else who has experience with energy work such as reiki or healing touch. If you're having difficulty opening your chakras up by yourself, we suggest finding a healer in your area to help you out!
How Long Should You Work On Each Chakra?
Now that you have all of these great tips for opening your chakras, how long should you work on each one? This really depends on the person and what they're comfortable with. Just know it will take more than just one session We generally recommend working on each chakra for at least a week to a few weeks but feel free to continue working on them for as long as you'd like! It's important to remember that this is something that takes time and patience so don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away. Just give it time for the process to happen, keep practicing regularly and be patient!
How To Know When Your Chakra Is Open
So how do you know when your chakra is open? This can be a little difficult to determine because it's different for everyone. However, we generally recommend looking out for symptoms such as feeling more balanced, having more energy, being happier, and experiencing less stress in your life. If you're noticing these things happening regularly then chances are your chakras are in good shape!
Closing Your Chakras
Now that we've gone over all of the tips for opening your chakras, let's talk about closing them down. This is just as important as opening them up so don't forget to do this each time you're finished working with your chakras!
- Step One: Thank The Stones Or Crystals You Used
This is a great way to close your chakras because it shows that you care about the crystals and stones which are helping you. We also recommend talking with them every time if possible!
- Step Two: Take A Deep Breath And Ground Yourself
Grounding yourself after working on your chakra system helps remove any excess energy rather than keeping it stored in your body where it can cause problems later on. Try taking five deep breaths before finishing up to help ground yourself even further!
- Step Three: Picture Your Chakra System Being Packed Away Into The Chakras Bag Or Box You Got It In When first opening your chakras, we recommended getting some sort of bag or box to put all of these items in. This will help keep everything organized and make it easier for you to work with in the future with your chakra sessions. When closing your chakras, simply imagine all of the items going back into this bag or box and visualize the closure happening tightly and securely.
- Step Four: Say Goodbye
This is a great way to end your session and helps to seal everything up nicely. We recommend saying goodbye to each stone or crystal individually as well as thanking them for their assistance. You can also say goodbye to your chakra system as a whole before finally closing your eyes and taking a deep breath inwards. Finished!
Foods To Eat For Balanced Chakras
- kale
- spinach
- broccoli
- oranges
- lemons
- limes
- grapefruit
- pineapples
- papayas
- mangos
- bananas
- watermelons
When it comes to keeping our chakras in balance, we need to be mindful of what we're eating. These are some great foods to include in your diet if you're looking to achieve a more balanced energy system! Remember that it's important to eat a variety of different fruits and vegetables in order to get all the nutrients our bodies need. So mix and match these foods as often as possible and enjoy feeling more balanced and connected!
Now that you have all of these tips for opening your chakras, how long do you think it will take for you to see results? Remember, don't get discouraged if you don't see changes right away. Just be patient and keep practicing regularly! And most importantly, have fun with it! :)
In Conclusion and Final Thoughts
How long does it take to open your chakras? Everyone is different, take the time for your self care. Spend time for your self to focus on your physical issues, bottom line is to spend time on your body and focus focus focus. Focus is a big key. There you have it! Everything you need to know about opening your chakras and the time frame it may take. We hope that this article has been helpful and has given you some ideas on how to get started. Remember, it's important to be patient and consistent with your practice if you want to see results. And most importantly, enjoy the process! :)
What Does It Feel Like When Your Chakras Open
This is a question we often get and it's difficult to say what it will feel like for each person. However, generally speaking you may feel a sense of warmth, tingling, or energy moving throughout your body. Some people also report feeling more balanced, happier, and less stressed after their chakras have opened. It really varies from individual to individual so just go with how you're feeling overall and see if any of these symptoms ring true for you!
Do You Need To Open A Specific Chakra In Order
No, you do not need to open a specific chakra in order to address a problem. You can work on any of your chakras as needed and see results depending on what you're working towards. For example, if you're feeling stressed out, working on your solar plexus chakra may be helpful in restoring some balance. Or if you're having problems with communication, opening your throat chakra could be beneficial. It really depends on what you need at the time and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.